Tao Method 2.0

Coaching Application

What is your most used social media profile username or link? This is so we can assess how attractive you appear online. You can write none or N/A if you don't use social media.

Where are you based? We've noticed your location can negatively affect your dating success.

Do you have 3 months of savings? We've noticed men who have less financial security have confidence issues when it comes to women who can affect their success.

Have you ever seen any trainings from Adam Lyons? We've noticed men who have already watched trainings from Adam Lyons are more likely to succeed with the program.

What is your profession/career? We've noticed certain career paths can affect your success with dating. We can help anyone in any career, but some careers are more likely to be good at dating.

How motivated are you to get better at dating? Your motivation will impact how likely you are able to defeat self-sabotage in your dating life.

Please describe your current dating life. Help us get to know you! Share details about your current dating situation and successes or failures. Please share anything else that would help us better understand where you're at right now.

What are your dating goals within the next 6-12 months? What would be your ideal outcome within 6 months of working with us? What challenges are you looking to solve?

Can you set aside 4 hours a week to studying and 4 hours a week to implement what you learn from us? You can get by with less time, but we just want to know if you can do the amount that is typically requested.

How many new women do you currently meet on average per week? There's no right or wrong answer here. It's just helpful for us to understand!

Is there anything else you'd like us to know? Anything about you, your dating life, your past relationships, anything that you think could affect your dating life or application.

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