Our goal is provide you with information that we believe to be accurate, but we certainly do not guarantee that our opinions will lead to your gambling success. You should consider us one of many sources of information from which you can base your own opinion should you decide to gamble on sporting events. We are not liable for any inaccurate or incorrect information that appears on this website, and by using this website and subscribing to our service, you are agreeing to hold us harmless from any liability of any nature whatsoever that may from what you do based on the information that we provide. If you read any inaccurate or incorrect information on our website, please contact us via email, [email protected], to alert us of any such inaccuracies.
You are reading our website by your own choice and freewill, and you are solely responsible for how you use the information that we present. By reading our website, you acknowledge that you understand the risk of gambling, you understand that our opinion is no different than anyone else’s opinion, and you understand BccsSports is not liable to you for any financial losses or any claims of personal injury or even wrongful death due to your use of the information on our website.
We also offer some links on our website to other sites, and in some instances we receive compensation from the source of those links when you click on them. You agree to also hold bccsSports harmless if you suffer any kind of loss, financial or personal, by visiting any of those linked websites. Our site and any site that is linked on our website is for information and entertainment purposes only.

BccsSports is NOT an online gambling operator or a gambling website of any kind. We do not accept wagers from or make bets for any of our visitors. We simply provide information about sports gambling and provide our opinions for entertainment purposes. You should ONLY gamble as a form of entertainment. If you have a gambling problem, you should contact Gamblers Anonymous (https://www.gamblersanonymous.org/). It is your responsibility to check your local laws to determine if gambling is even legal in your area.
