Please complete this WaiverSign cancellation request form and a team member will process your request within 1 business day.
If canceling a RESMARK Reservations account, please contact your account manager.
I only needed WaiverSign for a one-time event
I only need WaiverSign seasonally
I no longer need waivers for my business
I’ve decided to use another service
It’s too expensive
It didn’t meet my requirements
I’m going out of business
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For only $6 per month, you can move to our WaiverSign Lite. This gives you the peace of mind of having immediate access to your WaiverSign account should you ever need to access a signed document. You'll also get 5 signed documents included each month. Any additional signed documents will be $0.25 each. When you're ready to go back to our standard pricing, simply let us know. Would you like us to adjust your pricing to WaiverSign Lite?
Waiver Electronic
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