First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Project Address
Zip Code
Tell us about your project (please feel free to include anything you think might help us understand the scope of your project)
Estimated Project Timeline
As soon as possible
Within the next 30 days
30-60 days
60+ days
I am flexible on my start dates
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Which rooms are you interested in speaking about?
Living Room
Dining Room
Home Office
Laundry Room
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Do you want to keep your existing furniture?
I want to keep most
I have a few pieces I want to keep
I have 1 or 2
I want completely new furniture
I'm not sure - help!
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Have you worked with a designer before?
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List is empty.
Who was the designer you worked with?
How did you find us?
Personal Referral
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If a friend / family referred you, what is their name?
How can we best serve you in this project?
We are looking for a design firm to give us ideas.
We are looking for someone to source all of our materials, but plan to do all the buying ourselves.
We are looking for someone to source materials and purchase for us.
We are looking for a full-service design company who will create a design, source, purchase, and manage the materials and project as well as install.
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Help us to understand your desired involvement in the project.
I plan to be intimately involved in the project and want all decisions to be run by me.
I plan to be intimately involved in the project and also plan on purchasing all the materials for the project.
I would like to be involved in the design of the project, but plan to allow the design team to make final decisions and purchases.
I am very busy and after I sign off on the design, I just want you to take the reins. Call me in emergencies or for the big reveal!
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List is empty.
We understand that this is a long term, intimate relationship. We will be spending many months together and want this to be an extraordinary experience for all of us. Is there anything else that you can think of that our team should know before starting this adventure?