For all your Accounting, Bookkeeping and Taxes Needs!!

DNC Accounting Solutions Business Organizer

If you do not have an EIN, enter NONE. Please do not enter your Social Security number


This is the total of all monies received (sales) from your business activities. This does not include any money received from business loans, investors (including you, the owner), or the sale of fixed assets (like old equipment). It does include 1099-MISC, 1099-NEC and 1099ks income. NOTE: Do not count sales tax you collected as income

If YES, complete the below information:


To be deductible, a business must be both ordinary and necessary. An ordinary expense is one that is common and accepted in your field of business. A necessary expense is one that is helpful and appropriate for your business. An expense does not have to be indispensable to be considered necessary. To file with DNC Accounting Solutions, LLC you need to bring a breakdown of your deductible business expenses subtotaled by category. *IF you have a collection of receipts to organize and/or bank and credit accounts to reconcile, we can assist with these activities, however these activities are not part of tax preparation and are considered bookkeeping. Bookkeeping fees will be applied in addition to tax preparation services.


If you have other business expenses that do not appear to fit in any of the expense categories listed above, please list them below individually.

Other Business Expense (include description and amount)


You may deduct car/truck expenses for local or extended business travel, including: 1. between one client and another 2. to meet clients or customers 3. to attend meetings 4. for other ordinary and necessary managerial or operational tasks or needs of your business.
NOTE: You cannot deduct the costs of driving your car or truck between your home and your main or regular workplace. These costs are personal commuting expenses. You should have kept a record of your business-related mileage over the year. This accounts for gas, repairs, maintenance, depreciation, and auto insurance (but not interest on a car loan). If you do not have a record of mileage or are unsure how to calculate your total, contact our office.

Mileage Section

Actual Expenses

Enter the following information for assets purchased that have a useful life greater than one year

NOTE:  Depreciation is the annual deduction that allows you to recover the cost or other basis of your business asset/property over a certain number of years.  Depreciation starts when you first use the property in your business.  It ends when you either take the asset/property out of service, recover the total cost of the asset/property, or  no longer use the asset/property in your business

Equipment sold or disposed of during the tax year - Enter the following information for assets sold or disposed of:


NOTE: Area of home must be exclusively used for business except for storage or day care

Enter below only the expenses paid during the period the home was used for the business. Direct expenses benefits only the business use portion of the home Indirect expenses are for keeping up and running the entire home, such as mortgage interest

By signing this form, I confirm the information I am providing to be accurate and supported by the necessary documents.  I have retained all documents, cancelled checks, and other data that form the basis of income and deductions pertaining to this return.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.


I agree by the fraud laws within the United States and the State of Georgia that all above information is correct to the best of my ability and was voluntarily provided by myself (responsible party for the business tax matters). In addition, none of the above information was in any way added or embellished by the Tax Professionals/Employees of DNC ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS LLC. I further agree by signing I release DNC ACCOUNTING SOLUTIONS LLC and their employees or independent contractors of any liability due to any errors that may have been incorrect or falsified by myself-Responsible party for business tax matters. I understand that it is my responsibility to provide proof to the IRS and/or any other government agency in the event of an audit or upon request