Please fill out your Health Record as completely and accurately as possible. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask one of our qualified Chiropractic Assistants.
It is our pleasure to be of service to you. Our commitment to you is to promote the highest quality of health and well-being through natural Chiropractic care.
Confidential Patient Information
Employer Information
Reason For This Visit
People see Chiropractors for a variety of reasons. Some go for relief of pain, some to correct the cause of their pain, and others for correction of whatever is malfunctioning in their bodies. Your Doctor will weigh your needs and desires when recommending your treatment program.
Please check the type of care desired so that we may be guided by your wishes whenever possible.
Please check each of the diseases or conditions that you have had now or in the past. While they may seem unrelated to the purpose of the appointment, they can affect the overall diagnosis, care plan and the possibility of being accepted for care.
Please bring your insurance card with you to your appointment for verification of benefits. We will verify all benefits per your agreement with your carrier. After verification the Doctor will give his/her recommendations and an appropriate plan will be designed for each individual. Please let the front-desk know if you have been in some type of accident or have been injured on the job. This will enable us to give you any and all information necessary to serve you completely and accurately.
I understand that my insurance policy is an arrangement between myself and my insurance carrier and that all services rendered, that are not covered under my insurance plan, are my responsibility. My signature below signifies my agreement for payment in full on a cash basis if I have not provided all the necessary documents and information by the time of the second visit
I have read and agree to the above statements.
I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.