You are being matched by, Haley RiAnne Artist #947241

Currently only available in:

USA, CAN, UK + FPO’s any non eligible areas must have someone in these countries to ship products out to them independently or go through Third Party shipper. We hope to be expanding soon! Thank you for your interest 🖤

UPLOAD THAT SELFIE! Color matching virtually is one thing. Color matching cream makeup is another. Color matching the two together is impossible without the right photo. If you follow the instructions below you should have no problem capturing it. Avoid harsh lighting. Avoid overhead lighting. Limit shadows and make sure you are makeup free! If I can't color match the photo you send, I will reach out for a new one!

One unique thing about our makeup is our Lip & Cheeks, which double as Blush & Lipstick. In the next photo you will notice that our L&C come in a variety of finishes such as, matte, glossy and semi gloss, as well as color groups. The matte ones are more pigmented so they last longer. Semi gloss and glossy are great for layering on your lips over top of a matte or as a stand alone. Which interest you?

Are you interested in any add-ons? You can always delete them before you check out if you decide you do not want them or if you'd rather purchase at a later date.

If you are interested in eye shadow at this time, take a look at our colors below and list out any that spark interest! If you aren't sure what colors to choose or would like a custom 4 shadow palette created just for you, I would be happy to create one! Simply make a note on your eye color or what color family you are most drawn to. Our shadows are highly pigmented and much larger than conventional palette shadows!

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