Informed Consent and Release Forms

Heart’s Desire International events are intended to teach women relationship skills that leave them feeling empowered to create breakthroughs in their lives. They are not intended as therapy or treatment, or to replace therapy or treatment. Our events include a selection of enlightening and educational experiences. The material presented in these events may cause emotional reactions such as happiness, sadness, anger, or joy. These experiences are included because it is part of the process one goes through when one is being introspective and confronting the issues and circumstances that have been barriers to creating intimate relationships. It is always the option of the participant to choose to participate or not in any of the exercises offered.

I voluntarily choose to participate in this program, and I agree to hold Heart’s Desire International event team harmless against any claims related to my experience in Heart’s Desire International’s event. I take full responsibility for my participation in the workshops and outside of the workshop, during the course of the workshop, and thereafter. 

I am clear that it is my choice to participate or not in the experiences and exercises offered. 


I agree to respect the confidentiality of all participants and their remarks and actions, and I agree to keep any information shared by the participants private and confidential. 

I acknowledge that material presented in this course and any associated courses, events, and/or resources provided by Heart’s Desire International, LLC are to be used for personal use only, and not for reteaching, sharing, or distributing, whether free or paid, and (b) that unauthorized uses of the material will be billed at the “license rate” then in effect, usually at least $5,000.

I further agree to refrain from creating any video and/or audio recording any part of the event I attend, virtual or in person.

Photograph & Video Release

I hereby grant permission to Heart’s Desire International, LLC the rights of my image, likeness and sound of my voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other consideration. I understand that my image may be edited, copied, exhibited, published or distributed and waive the right to inspect or approve the finished product wherein my likeness appears. Additionally, I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of my image or recording 

By signing this release I understand this permission signifies that photographic, video and/or audio recordings of me may be electronically displayed via the Internet or in a public setting. There is no time limit on the validity of this release nor is there any geographic limitation on where these materials may be distributed. 

This release applies to photographic, audio or video recordings collected as part of the Hearts Desire International Virtual or LIVE Event only. 

By signing this form I acknowledge that I have completely read and fully understand the above release and agree to be bound thereby. I hereby release any and all claims against any person or organization utilizing this material. 

Participant Agreements for the Love Vision Intensive

February 2025

This is an event where you will be doing deep inner HeartWork in a virtual group setting. In the interest of creating a safe space during the event for all participants, and to ensure the best experience, we ask that that the following Agreements be made.

As a participant in the Event I agree to:

1. Be on ZOOM for as much of the event as you can. Activities build on each other so please do your best to be on time, all the time, every day, including to Registration on Day 1, at the start of each day, returning from breaks, etc.

2.  REFRAIN from using any mood altering substances, drink alcohol, or take any non-prescribed medication for during all of the days of the duration of the Retreat, including before and after live sessions.

3. Participate fully.

a. I understand that during the 3 full days, I am required to keep my camera on for all sessions.

b. I will participate in all of the Event activities.

c. I will participate in the Event while sitting at a desk. (You cannot be lying down.)

d. I will complete all of the homework assignments for the Event fully and on time.

4. Maintain Confidentiality, specifically:

a. I promise to keep the confidentiality of my fellow participants by not repeating anything that is shared during coaching sessions, in small groups, breakout sessions, or in the large group sessions with anyone else. What is shared at the Event, stays at the Event.

b.  I understand my fellow participants will do the same to ensure my own confidentiality.

c. I promise to set up a private space to participate in the Event, where family/household members cannot hear any part of the sessions, or be in the room while I am participating in the Event.

5. Keep cell phones on vibrate and stay off of them during sessions.

6. Keep my space free of distractions during sessions, including beloved pets.

7. Refrain from taking any photos, videos, or making audio recordings.

8. Raise my virtual hand to speak, and further understand that:

a.  I may not be called on.

b. I am to remain muted until I am called on.

9. Honor all commitments made in relation to the Event.

10. Bring anything that upsets me during the Event to the attention of Heart's Desire Team Member.

a. If I need coaching, I will request it from Gladys and Michelle or one of the Heart's Desire Love Coaches.

11. Be Coachable all the time.

a. I understand that I am attending this Event so that I can have access to the blind spots and barriers that are preventing me from seeing what is missing, transforming what is not working, and creating the life and love that my heart desires.

b.  I understand that all of the coaching provided during the Event is provided by the Leaders and Coaches with the intention of supporting me in creating my breakthroughs.

c.  I understand that I am 100% responsible for being open to receiving and applying the coaching that I receive during the event.

12. Allow the Coaches and HDI Team to Coach participants.

a.  I will provide support to the other participants, and will refrain from coaching them or giving them advice

13. Respect my fellow participants at all times, even if I don't agree with them.

14. Be 100% responsible for my results and transformation.

15. Have fun!