Full Name
Brand Identity
What is your mission (what do you ask people to do)?
What is your purpose (why do you do what you do)?
What is your vision (what do you as an organization hope to create in the future)?
What values and beliefs unify your staff and volunteers and drives their performance?
Brand Audience
Who are you good at reaching where they feel like the church was made just for them?
What is the result you have for someone that attends your church?
Brand Journey
What problem are you good at solving for people in your community?
What is the result you help people achieve as part of the church?
What are the steps you have to get them to that result?
List all the programs that allow you to do ministry.
Brand Voice
If you could communicate a single message about your church, what would it be?
What are some words that describe the personality of your church?
Brand Strategy
How would someone who is not part of the church find it easy to attend your church?
What do you celebrate as a church?
What are the potential barriers to your success?
If you could do or be anything in the future what would it be?
What other churches do you admire most and why?
What non-church brands do you admire most and why?
How do you market your church?