Are you currently running your own business?
How's your business doing?
Pre-revenue (just getting started)
Struggling (stuck in neutral)
Growing (making progress, but with growing pains)
Successful (looking to scale)
Most businesses are in one of 4 places
Do you have enough time each day to get your work done?
No! Are you kidding? I always feel like there's more to do and not enough time...
Sort of. I get a lot of things done, but my planning and delegating could be better.
Yes! I have everything planned out and gets completed as expected.
How many people do you have working for you?
It's Just Me!
More than 25
consider all full-time, part time, local, or virtual people
If you left for an unexpected trip for 2 weeks, what would happen to your business?
I'd be screwed. Things would totally fall apart.
Things would get messy, but I'd probably be keep going when I got back.
I might be able to pull it off, but I would be super stressed while I was gone.
Things would keep working just as well as if I were there.
Pick whichever answer sounds closest to your situation
How does work get done in your business?
It's chaos with phone calls, instant messages and emails flying all over.
It's a little mysterious, but somehow we manage to get things done.
It's systematic...we have a clearly defined process that everyone can easily follow.
Can you handle an influx of new clients in your business at your current scale?
No - we would have major issues if we got a bunch of new business all at once.
Maybe - I'm not really sure what would happen.
Yes - we could take on plenty of new clients with the operations we have in place.
First Name