Client Initials
Start Date
Please list any past or present serious medical complaints
Have you been involved in any serious accidents or incidents that your practitioner would need to know about?
Is there any known family history of psychiatrics/poor mental health
Please list any past or present medication related to any psychological issues
Do you drink alcohol? If so how much per week?
Do you drink tea/coffee/or other caffeinated drinks?, if so how many per day?
Do you smoke? If so how much per day?
Have you ever taken non prescribed drugs? If so what and when?
Have you been for therapy anywhere else before? If so how many times and where?
Marital Status
Do you have any children? If so, what are there ages?
Are there any special services involved with your children?
Explain your living arrangements
Are you involved with any other services such as social work, addiction team, crisis team?
Have you ever had any criminal offences? If so what and when?
Do you have a community psychiatric nurse? If so please give details
Do you have a psychiatrist? If so please provide details.
Have you ever received a diagnosis for your mental health? If so please provide details
Are you in any form of crisis at the moment where you want to harm yourself or anybody else?
Do you or have you ever self harmed?
Have you ever attempted suicide?
Are you currently in danger of being harmed by anyone else?
Do you feel safe at home?
Do you have any additional needs I can support?
Have you ever been admitted to hospital for your psychological health?
Please check any of the following that are relevant
Personality Problems
Cognitive Learning Concerns
Eating Disorders
Physical Problems
Self Esteem Concerns
Relationship Problems
Living/Welfare Concerns
Work/Academic Concerns
Legal Concerns
What are your helpful coping strategies
What are your unhelpful coping strategies
Who do you have for support in your life?
What issues would you like to deal with when working with your coach?
What are your goals?