Any movement begins with making disciples, who can make disciples, who make disciples.
Have you ever found yourself pondering the following questions:
Why is my church filled with “good people” who may become a little nicer because of our efforts, but rarely experience deep transformation and virtually never make a new disciple?
How do we shift from simply attracting new people to Sunday service into active evangelism from everyone in the congregation during the week?
How do we move beyond an assimilation strategy to a disciple-making strategy?
If you're ready to answer these questions and experience breakthroughs in disciple-making and multiplying, the Reproducing Disciples Catalyst (RDC) is for you.
In this RDC you will be equipped to evaluate and create a transformative and multiplicative disciple-making culture and strategy. That will happen as you’re provided with tools and resources on evangelism, culture creation, and a framework for discipleship.
Every church will also leave with a map for an Action Learning Plan to help you create an implementation plan for immediate application.
A Reproducing Disciples Catalyst is made up of:
Eight Sessions Over Two Months: Long enough to start and begin to develop new practices and patterns, but not too long. It won’t feel like, “I’m in school for a whole semester!”
A Reverse-Classroom: You get all the transformational content on our online course platform. You will be guided into both personal application and movemental application. Assessments, journaling exercises, and practices are built into the courses. It’s about 2 hour’s worth of engagement (online course plus reading assignments) each week, plus the reading. (We will read through the book The Starfish and The Spirit Maker by Lance Ford, Rob Wegner and Alan Hirsch).
Weekly Coaching Huddles: Since all the content is delivered in the course, the huddle times can be focused on coaching, support, and accountability. You will experience what we are training you to do with others.
Bi-weekly meetings via Zoom, the Online Huddle, where everyone in the cohort will gather with the NewThing Catalyst Leader.
On the “off weeks,” each church/network team will gather with just their local team in what we will call the In-Person Local Team Huddle to pray, process, and plan. You will be creating an Action Learning Plan to apply what they are learning in their context.
We will invite you to clarify big dreams and vivid vision! We will also invite you to high accountability, so the big dreams aren’t just a pipe dream. Individuals will create their own “I will…” statements weekly. Your team will work together on an Action Learning Plan that targets 3-4 90 Day goals for their church/network.
We limit the size of the cohorts to five to six teams, to keep the size around 20 or less.
Remember you sign up as a team, not an individual.
Please register up to 7 other team members joining you for the catalyst below.
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