Parent/Student COVID-19 Liability Waiver
Sapneil Tutoring operated by Dr. Sapneil S. Parikh is doing everything we can to the public as well as our workers and volunteers. To this extent, we will be following the Center of Disease Control (CDC) and local health department guidelines with regard to social distancing practices in order to reduce the spread of Novel Coronavirus, or COVID-19. This will require our staff to maintain six (6) feet of distance between ourselves and clients, as much as possible. We will also be requiring this same procedure for client-to-client contact in order to limit the exposure to all individuals.
We will require all individuals (staff, volunteers, and clients) to utilize either surgical masks or improvised masks such as scarves, bandanas, and handkerchiefs to reduce the risk of exposure to yourself and others. It is also required of everyone to either wash or sanitize their hands after using the restroom, sneezing, coughing, and before eating meals. Face shields will be provided for tutors, and disinfectant stations will be available.
Additionally, we are requiring notarized, negative COVID-19 test results prior to any in-office booking.
If we all work together, we can overcome the spread of this virus as well as other infectious diseases. We welcome you to our facility. By signing below, you agree to comply with the written instructions above. Failure to comply with these written instructions or verbal instructions from staff or volunteers may result in your removal from the premises. We are not liable if an individual contracts COVID throughout the time they are contracted with us.