First Name
Last Name
Legal Business Name (used in incorporation documents)
EIN/Tax ID (required for SMS campaign registration)
Business Type (LLC, Sole Prop, S-Corp, etc.)
What is the full address of your business?
What is the phone number of your business?
What is the value of your average initial sale?
What is the value of the average customer in the first 90 days?
What is the value of the average customer for 1 year?
What are your offers that are proven to convert?
What is your team's closing rate?
Where do your sales appts take place - in-person in your office, at the prospect's home, phone/zoom?
How long do your sales appointments typically take? 30 min? 1 hour?
How many appointments can you schedule in a given day?
What are the available windows for setting appointments on your calendar? (e.g. Mon-Fri 12-4)
What is the name, email, and cell number of someone at your office who will receive appointment notifications and can answer any customer service questions during the campaign?