I consent to these diagnostic x-ray procedure(s) that my Doctor of Chiropractic at Chiropractic Solutions of Georgia, LLC., dba Douglas Family Chiropractic, considers necessary or advisable in the course of my health care. I understand the nature and purposes of these procedure(s) the risks involved, and the possible consequences of not consenting to the procedure(s).
X-ray examinations may expose the uterus. In order to avoid unnecessary fetal exposure in the event of a pregnancy, the 10 days immediately following the onset of the menstrual period are generally considered safest for x-ray examinations.
I acknowledge the potential risk of radiation exposure during pregnancy or if there's a chance of being pregnant, which could harm the fetus. Nevertheless, I am aware that the chances of such harm are minimal, and my physician deems the information from this test beneficial for my well-being. Hence, I would like to proceed with the x-ray examination at this time.