Fill Out The Discovery Form And Get Started On The Journey To Creating Strategic Video
This will take you 5-10 minutes to complete.
Full Name
Business Name
Best Phone
Best Email
Tell me about your business - What do you do, Who do you help, What do you LOVE about what you do?
Why would customers choose to buy from you rather than a competitor? What do you do that's different that makes you stand out? Please be specific about your value proposition.
What does your typical sales process look like? Eg. A customer calls then fills out a form, then sets an appointment for a consult, etc.
What is your average Lifetime value of a customer? This is the profit over the lifetime of that customer.
Who is your ideal client? Tell us who you want to do more business with.
What knowledge of video marketing currently exists within your company?
A Good Amount
Little To None
What would you say has been your MOST effective form of marketing?
What would you say has been your Least effective form of marketing?
What are some of the most commonly asked questions, fears, or concerns that you or your sales team find themselves answering a lot?
Please list the main cities and radius of these cities that you would like to target.
Do you offer any special promotions to new customers? If so, what do they entail?
Who are a few of your main competitors?
What is your biggest concern working with a professional marketer to create a marketing pipeline to generate warm leads for your business?
I'm ready to submit my discovery form!