First Name
Last Name
How long have you been in business?
If you have one wish for your business in the next 90 days, what would it be?
What is your biggest challenge in accomplishing that?
What is your revenue goal for the year?
How are your tracking towards your goal?
Surely hit it. Probably exceed it.
Think we'll get there.
Ahhh, nope. Pretty far away at this point.
Below are some common topics that business owners want to discuss with us. Please check all that are of interest, or a concern, for you.
Attracting the right type of customers for my business.
Building a high performing sales force
We're getting too many price shoppers 'kicking tires'.
Ways to increase repeat business
Systemizing my business so that it works without me.
Having a better understanding of my finances and numbers.
Having a clear vision and setting some firm goals.
Creating more net profit.
Finding and recruiting better people for my team.
Better habits around planning.
Is there anything else you’d like me to know about you or your business before we speak?
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terms & conditions
provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.