A module is a section of education you teach that is organized and structured.  Below we provide you examples to help you decide.  A typical module takes 1-2 hours to teach but, you can determine how long you want each module.

Let’s review an approved program. Let’s begin by reviewing an approved certification program. You can see this program has 4 modules. You can have 3-4 module in a certification program (This is one of the most important sections as this will provide you the lay out of your program.)

This is just an example:  

You can have 3-4 modules and have the time if you wish. The reason it is important to break out each module is because it assists in the teaching and marketing process. It is much easier to teach a section then one long run on program. Attendees can refer to sections for easy instruction. We can also use each module to brand and sell! The public can see everything learned in each module separating the education process giving them a better feel for the organization of content leading to more attendees. We will take each module and have a marketing program surrounding it.

TIPS to help you develop your modules

·        Look at the title of your certification and break out the main points you will teach into 3-4 topics. 

·        Name each module topic with something that motivates and captures people’s attention.

·        Think about your ideas and name each module what you are most passionate about teaching and what is most important.


·        As you name each think MARKETING!  What will catch the consumers eye?


·        When creating the paragraphs only write information on that specific topic and what they will get in that section.


·        When creating, the paragraphs make sure each is short!  Do not give too much information.  This is a paragraph to get quick attention and too much is bad in this situation.


·        We can add exhibits to your manual like forms, where to get more information etc.… so the attendee leaves with an action plan to use what they learn.  This is what helps separate your program from others! 


·        We will create an introduction and other needed content sections.  The modules you create here are the foundation of your education.  The other sections we will create will lead to more information and helping them succeed!  


Do not worry about being perfect.  This will come together and become your perfect workshop as we progress.

Today’s Curriculum Highlights

Please fill-out this page

Please fill-in your modules here. We need you to provide a name of each section you will teach and a short paragraph explaining what they will get. You want to capture the consumer’s attention here to get them to want to take your program. Look at the example we provide in this manual to help.

Let’s get started!


1)     Go online and do searches (Google the name) of each of your module names and make sure no one else is doing exactly what you are doing.

2)     Look at the paragraphs you created and make sure you like them and feel that the person you are looking to take your certification/workshop will be attracted to it. We create branding campaigns surrounding each module.

3)     Each module can be taught independent, and you charge a fee or all at once (as we recommend) to provide a certificate of achievement for taking it.  We will create the certificate of Achievement they will get from you in the end.

4)     Do a spelling and grammar check of your paragraphs and information before submitting.