If you are on Blood Thinners, we will have you abstain from the Apothe-Cherry.
If you are on Blood Pressure Medications, I recommend speaking with your doctor to get a guideline for when to take, reduce, or hold your blood pressure meds. As you progress on this system, you may reduce your need for the medication, so I recommend taking your blood pressures each day before you take your blood pressure medication.
If you are on Diabetic Medications, I recommend speaking with your doctor to get a guideline for when to take, reduce, or hold your meds. As you progress on this system, you may reduce your need for the medication, so I recommend taking your blood sugars before you take your medication.
This is the marker for inflammation in your body and if you've never had it before, I recommend asking your doctor to run this test for you each time you have blood drawn
Congratulations on starting your journey to improved wellness!