Member Cancellation Form
Member First Name
Member Last Name
Cancellation Reason
Please Select Below
Lack of Attendance (I wasn't coming enough)
Relocating (I am moving to another City/Town)
Location / Moving (Not convenient)
Injury / Medical
Financial Reasons (Too Expensive)
Too Difficult (The Class/Workouts were too difficult)
Try / Do Something Else
Unhappy with Classes/Services Provided
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How well did the Coaching Staff attend to your fitness goals and needs?
Please Select Below
Extremely Well
Very Well
Moderately Well
Not Very Well
Not At All Well
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Overall, how would you rate your experience training with us?
Please Select Below
Incredible (5 Star)
Good (4 Star)
Average (3 Star)
Below Average (2 Star)
Awful (1 Star Or Less)
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How likely are you to recommend our gym to family and friends?
Please Select Below
Extremely Likely
Very Likely
Moderately Likely
Slightly Likely
Not At All Likely
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List is empty.
Additional Comments (Cancellation)
Cancellation Terms Agreement
Yes, I agree to the Cancellation Terms