Welcome Aboard!
Full Name
Needs Assessment
What kind of product or service are you marketing?
What are you looking for in a solution?
What else do you feel is important about your specific offer, market, or situation?
Important Links
Landing Page:
Sales Page:
Thank You Page:
Facebook Profile:
Facebook Page:
YouTube Page:
Instagram Profile:
LinkedIn Profile:
Describe Your Dream Client
Who is your ideal customer?
What criteria indicates a qualified lead for you?
Shareable link(s) to your sales script(s).
Shareable link to the document that outlines your offers, pricing and deliverables (core offer and/or tiers and comparison).
Do you offer fast action discounts, payment or financing options?
Are you doing 1-call or multi-call close?
What is your big idea?
What is your primary promise?
What is your unique mechanism?
Sales History and Metrics
Include links to any tracking and reporting you have here:
Have you run ads before? If so, what was the result?
Opt In Rate:
Sales Conversion Rate:
Lifetime Value of a Customer
What funnels have you tried in the past? And what were the results?
What kind of funnel are you running now? Why?
How big is your email list?
How often are you mailing your list?
Do you have your email list segmented and uploaded into Facebook custom audiences?
Do you have an email/content schedule and/or calendar of upcoming content, promotions, and next steps to conversion?
Let's Rock!