Intake Form
I understand that by completing and submitting this Intake Form, I am applying for services from DRSD. Submitting this Intake Form does not create an attorney-client relationship. Disability Rights South Dakota has a centralized intake process. All people seeking to become clients of this agency must first go through the intake process. That process can be initiated by submitting this Intake Form or by contacting the Intake Team at 1-800-658-4782. The Intake Team makes decisions about who the agency will assist or represent based on eligibility, program priorities, and available resources. Disability Rights South Dakota will keep the information in this Intake/Application confidential. If DRSD agrees to assist or provide legal representation to you, DRSD will send you a Letter of Understanding and/or Representation Agreement to sign.
*Disclaimer* Our funders have asked us to collect some demographic information, it's optional and will only be used to help ensure we are being inclusive and equitable. You can select "prefer not to answer" any questions about Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity. Making this selection will not have any impact on our determination on providing services or any aspect of our services should your issue be assigned to advocacy staff.
Reason You Are Contacting Disability Rights South Dakota