Coaches Code of Conduct
I will abide by the AFL Coaches Code of Conduct, the AFL Rules of the game and the Rules and Codes of Conduct of SPJAFC.
I will at all times operate within the spirit of the game and understand and practice fair play. I will also teach and encourage the players to do the same.
I will ensure that the time players spend with me is a positive experience in a positive environment, where skilled learning and development are priorities.
I will recognise that all players are deserving of fair game time, attention and opportunities from the lowest skilled player to the highest skilled player.
I will have due consideration for varying maturity and ability levels of my players when designing practice schedules, practice activities and involvement in competition.
I will be reasonable in the demand I make on the time commitments of the players in my care, having due consideration for their health and wellbeing.
I will show concern and caution towards sick or injured players and recognises the significance of the injury or illness. I will follow the advice of a club First Aid Trainer or a Physician, in the circumstances concerning the return of an injured or ill player to training or competition.
I will respect the rights, dignity and worth of every young person and all other individuals within the context of my involvement in Australian Football and SPJAFC, including refraining from any discriminatory practices on the basis of ability, gender, race, religion, ethnic background or special ability/disability.
I will not verbally or physically abuse, intimidate or use threatening behaviour or language towards SPJAFC committee persons or representatives of the league, coaches, game day officials, parents or spectators including all players, representatives, parents and spectators of other clubs.
I, hereby commit, to the best of my ability, to uphold and adhere to the SPJAFC Coaches Code of Conduct, Operational Rules and Responsibilities and AFLQ Rules and Guidelines.
I confirm that I have read and understood the attachments to this application form, I understand that as an integral component of my acceptance as a coach I must maintain a standard of behaviour and conduct that is in the best interests of the club, the game, the players in my care and all other volunteers and club members. In representing myself in an honest manner and without bringing the coaching profession, the Club or the Game in disrepute, I will endeavour to uphold all of this to the best of my ability: