
Parents Details (If Under 16)

Student Details

(If Different from Above)


Health Declaration


Do You Have Any Of The Following

  • I accept to undertake the forthcoming training and I have made the instructors aware of any personal limitations I may have with regard to undertaking physical skills training and I have completed the medical form highlighting any physical injuries or issues with regard to my health that the instructors should be aware of.

  • I accept that no physical activities or sports training can offer a complete guarantee of safety and that there is a risk involved with regard to injury on undertaking such training;

  • I will at all times conduct myself with due regards to my health and safety and the health and safety of others in the class, I will obey lawful instructions given to me and comply as far as practical within the briefs provided for my safety;

  • If I am injured during the training, I will immediately bring this to the attention of the instructor;

  • I will at all times take whatever action is necessary to reduce or eliminate the risk of injury to myself and others by undertaking the training in accordance with the safety instructions and briefings;

  • I will not attempt to teach any technique shown to me during the training without the express permission and relevant instructor.

  • I accept that if I act in any intentionally negligent way that compromises my safety or the safety of others or which causes harm to myself or to others, I may be removed from the training immediately at the discretion of the instructors.

  • I will bring to the attention of the instructors anything that I feel is a risk to any person (including the instructors) which comes to my attention during the training. This also involves any actions by others who I honestly feel may seriously compromise the health and safety of others.

DECLARATION (Parent to fill in if student is under 18 Years of age)

I declare that I understand all the above questions accurately and understand my obligations, I am fit and able to undertake training and that it is my responsibility to make the instructors aware of any medical condition/ailment/medication that is current. I also agree that my name and email can be passed to the governing body for insurance purpose.

The instructor is required to complete the following section.

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