Throughout our weekend together, we will explore the theme of Finding Your Truth through the Andean Qe’ro principle of Anya, which in short can be translated to non condemnation and acceptance. Beyond the conceptions of right and wrong, beyond the hierarchical categorizations of our experiences, beyond an idea of absolute truth, we allow ourselves to be seekers of the truth deep within, the truth that arises in each moment, each breath, each heartbeat. We meet this truth without judgment, without condemnation but simply, with pure acceptance and presence.
In this process, we allow ourselves to release dense and negative thoughts, and layers of conditioning, stories, and judgments that create limited perception and lack of acceptance. In this way, we can expand, open and allow for a new understanding of our truth to emerge, one lacking in dogma and hierarchy.
We will also enter into a space free from judgment or condemnation of others, a space in which we can accept the truths of others freely without a sense of feeling like our own truth is threatened. In this, we will allow ourselves the opportunity to bring healing and harmony to our relationships within, with others, with the earth and with the Divine, cultivating and understanding our unity. We walk together toward accepting and embracing the simultaneous existence of all things, all beings, all truths, as we choose which of our own truths we wish to activate as the blueprint of our reality.
-Optional Kambo ceremony
-Traditional Andean Divine Mother Ayahuasca Ceremony
-Niños Santos Mexica ceremony
-Padre Sapito Ceremony
-Hapé ceremony
-Ritual and Shamanic practices
-Home cooked vegan meals
-Facilitation and Shamanic guidance
-Integration circles
-Pre-retreat preparation and dieta
-Post retreat integration support and access to a large community learning, growing and experiencing with the guidance of plant wisdom and Andean cosmology.
Ayni: $999
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