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How long have known Viktoriya and Oksana? (select option below)
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What are you biggest health problems?
What have you tried to do to fix this and how much do you invest every year fixing your problem?
On a scale 1-10 (10 being highest), how big a priority is it for you to solve this now?
10! highest priority
1-5 lowest priority
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Why do you think you'd be a good fit to work with us and how it would benefit your life?
If your application is approved, we will proceed with a book a consult with us. We will share what are most successful clients have done to become symptom free in 40 days! This is a consultation call to learn about your case and to see how we can help you more closely. This is for those ready to see if you're a great fit to work with us 1-1. LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE.
I understand
This is a vital part of your onboarding with our team, if you book your consult but you do not show up without notice of 24hr you will be charged $97 to rebook. Please respect our time and show up for your appointment*
Yes, I understand you are busy and respect the time of the staff, I will show up on time, at my computer, ready to go.