Employee Details Form

Bank Details

Please make sure details are legible and correct as incorrect details may result in your pay being lost. The company will not be responsible for lost wages due to incorrect details.

Please double check this.
Please double check this.
Please re-enter your Bank Account Number
Please re-enter your BSB


If no,

This is not your phone number. Please list your emergency contact person's phone number.

I confirm all the information provided above is true and accurate.

Employee Signature: (please sign using mouse on PC or finger on smart device)



As a condition of your employment, we do need you to read and understand the legal requirements, policies and rules related to your employment.

The purpose of these is to ensure we provide our team with a safe, harmonious, and professional workplace. These will be updated from time to time and will be included in your venues Standard Operating Procedures.

Sexual Harassment

1. Sexual harassment is illegal sex discrimination and includes any unwelcome or unwanted advances, requests for sexual favours and any other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature.

2. Examples of sexual harassment may include, but are not limited to:
• Verbal conduct such as, derogatory or obscene comments, slurs or sexual invitations, sexual jokes, propositions, suggestive, insulting, obscene comments or gestures or other verbal abuse of a sexual nature;
• Graphic, verbal commentary about an individual’s body, sexual prowess or sexual deficiencies; It is unlawful for a to do any act involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of any human right or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.
• Flirtations, advances, leering, whistling, touching, pinching, assault, coerced sexual acts, blocking normal movements, massages, affectionate greetings including hugs and kisses;
• Visual conduct such as derogatory or sexual posters, photographs, cartoons, drawings or gestures or other displays in the work place of sexually suggestive objects or pictures;
• Conduct or comments consistently targeted at only one gender, even if the content is not sexual;
• Retaliation for having reported or threatened to report sexual harassment.

3. This behaviour is unacceptable in the workplace itself and in other work-related settings such as, court appearances and business-related social events and is extended to all associates, casual employees, contractual employees, guests, clients and acquaintances of the organisation. In evaluating behaviour, the standard to be applied is that of a reasonable victim of the same gender as the victim.

Theft & Stealing

Theft is the felonious taking and removing of personal property, with intent to deprive the rightful owner of the same. An act of taking without the owner’s consent constitutes theft. Theft includes but is not limited to taking, removing, giving away, transacting not at arm’s length, or using property of the organisation or from other employees without consent.

Random bag searches may be conducted from time to time in response to workplace theft. It is a condition of employment that the company reserves the right to conduct such bag searches. Surveillance videos do exist in the workplace and may be used to assist with prosecution.

Part B - Stealing

The Queensland Criminal Code provides the following legal definition:

391 Definition of stealing

(1) A person who fraudulently takes anything capable of being stolen, or fraudulently converts to the person’s own use or to the use of any other person anything capable of being stolen, is said to steal that thing.

(2) A person who takes or converts anything capable of being stolen is deemed to do so fraudulently if the person does so with any of the following intents, that is to say—

(a) an intent to permanently deprive the owner of the thing of it;

(b) an intent to permanently deprive any person who has any special property in the thing of such property;

(c) an intent to deal with it in such a manner that it can not be returned in the condition in which it was at the time of the taking or conversion;

(d) in the case of money—an intent to use it at the will of the person who takes or converts it, although the person may intend to afterwards repay the amount to the owner.

398 Punishment of stealing

(1) Any person who steals anything capable of being stolen is guilty of a crime, and is liable, if no other punishment is provided, to imprisonment for 5 years.

Punishment in special cases - Stealing by clerks and servants

If the offender is a clerk or servant, and the thing stolen is the property of the offender’s employer, or came into the possession of the offender on account of the offender’s employer, the offender is liable to imprisonment for 10 years.

Stealing as an employee (‘clerk or servant’), could be in the nature of:

a. shouting friends’ drinks without paying or prior approval,

b. taking stock (food or beverage) without paying for it

c. taking money from the till/register without prior approval

d. letting other people know trade secrets of the business.

This class is serious, as an employee is in a position of trust, and as such, the employer has employed the employee on the basis that trust, integrity and responsibiuyt is paramount with no tolerance for any deviation for theft. Because of this, the maximum penalty on conviction has been set by the State to 10 years imprisonment.


1. All staff are not to permitted to smoke less than 300 meters from their venues
2. Staff are not permitted to smoke during service
3. This policy applies to all employees regardless of their position

Managers Instructions
1. Smoking is only permitted;
• Off service times; and
• Strictly before or after work, or during staff breaks; and
• Only at designated areas, away from the customer’s and general public’s sight (see your supervisor for designated locations, this is generally 300 meters away from the venue); and
• Uniform to be removed (tie, apron, name tag); and
• With specific notification and permission from the supervisor to smoke; and
• Cigarette butts are not to be littered on the organisation’s premises and its surroundings, or in the river; and
• When starting or resuming work, there is no trace of cigarette smell; i.e. it must be done at least 10 minutes before start or resuming work, YOU MUST WASH YOUR HANDS, use deodorant, cologne or perfume must be used as well as a mint.
2. Any staff member which fails to abide by this policy will receive written warnings.

Drugs & Alcohol

1. A zero alcohol tolerance policy is effective across the board and inclusive of all employees, irrelevant of position being held – inclusive but not limited to all management
2. Random BAC breath test may be conducted from time to time. It is a condition of employment that the company reserves this right. Any employee who breaches this zero policy may be subject to immediate termination for gross misconduct.
3. There is to be no alcohol consumed on the venue premises, before, during or after shift. (unless for the use of staff training, which must be approved by Senior Management)

Managers Instructions
1. To Enforce this policy
2. If this situation arises, ensure to inform the Senior Manager on Duty

1. Drugs use, purchase, sale, referral or possession is illegal and hence not permitted at all times; on and off work premises; before, during and after work hours.
Any person caught breaching the above rule will be terminated immediately and the matter will be handed over to the police.

The above policies are not only to protect the company, but also to protect all employees from personal harm and causing harm to other employees or the general public.

Other rules, procedures and policies are included in your Standard operating Procedures Folder and will be updated from time to time.

With the formalities over, welcome to your new workplace, we thank you for joining our team and we so look forward to working with you & creating culinary & hospitality perfection.

I have read and agree to follow all company policies


Social Media Policy

This policy provides guidance for employee use of social media, which should be broadly understood for purposes of this policy to include blogs, wikis, microblogs, message boards, chat rooms, review sites, electronic newsletters, online forums, social networking sites, and other sites and services that permit users to share information with others in a contemporaneous manner.

The following principles apply to professional use of social media on behalf of Birdcage Bistro and Bar as well as personal use of social media when referencing Birdcage Bistro and Bar
• Employees need to know and adhere to the company’s social media policy when using social media in reference to Birdcage Bistro and Bar or their relationship to the company or its employees.
• Employees should be aware of the effect their social media actions may have on their image, as well as Birdcage Bistro and Bar’ image. The information that employees post or publish may be public information for a long time.
• Employees should be aware that Birdcage Bistro and Bar may observe content and information made available by employees through social media. Employees should use their best judgment to ensure that any material they post is neither inappropriate nor harmful to Birdcage Bistro and Bar, its perception, its employees, or its customers.
• Employees and management should be aware that content regarding their employment, past or present, will be considered a breach of this policy
• Although not an exclusive list, some specific examples of prohibited social media conduct include posting commentary, content, or images that are defamatory, pornographic, proprietary, harassing, libelous, or that can create or encourage a hostile work environment.
• Employees are not to publish, post or release any information that is considered confidential or not public. If there are questions about what is considered confidential, employees should check with senior management.
• Social media networks, blogs and other types of online content can sometimes generate press and media attention or legal questions. Employees should refer these inquiries to authorized Birdcage Bistro and Bar staff. Ie. Senior Management.
• If employees encounter a situation while using social media that threatens to become antagonistic, employees should disengage from the dialogue in a polite manner and seek the advice of a Senior Management
• Employees should get appropriate permission from Senior Management before you refer to or post images of current or former employees, members, vendors or suppliers. Additionally, employees should get appropriate permission to use a third party's copyrights, copyrighted material, trademarks, service marks or other intellectual property.
• Social media use shouldn't interfere with employee’s responsibilities at Birdcage Bistro and Bar. Birdcage Bistro and Bar computer systems are to be used for business purposes only. When using Birdcage Bistro and Bar computer systems, use of social media for business purposes is allowed (ex: Facebook, Twitter, [Company] blogs and LinkedIn), but personal use of social media networks or personal blogging of online content is discouraged and could result in disciplinary action.
• It is highly recommended that employees keep Birdcage Bistro and Bar related social media accounts separate from personal accounts, if practical.
Staff are not permitted to contact/engage with customers through on the official Birdcage Bistro and Bar page, using their own personal accounts. For example, leaving comments on left by customers.
Staff members, current and previous, (and their associates, family & friends) must not post defamatory content about Birdcage Bistro and Bar on social media.

Subject to applicable law, after‐hours online activity that violates this social media policy or any other company policy may subject an employee to disciplinary action or termination.

I have read and agree to follow all social media policies