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What will be the name of your TV Show? If you are not sure, type don't know yet
You agree to follow copyright laws and licensing procedures for some TV Shows and Movies. If you are found guilty and PTWWN Broadcasting is penalized, you are responsible for any payments or fees thay may occur.
Yes I agree
Do you agree that all content uploaded must be of Christian faith, educational, inspirational and friendly entertainment. No sexual explicit content, the occult or offensive content.
Yes I agree
Do you agree to upload content at least 5 days in advance to ensure that your episode will run. We are not responsible if content is not uploaded on time. We hold no responsibility for internet outages or unforseen error or technical glitches.
Yes I agree and understand
This agreement is effective on the day of signing. If needed, we offer a 60 day extension for new broadcasters to upload content.
Yes I agree
TV Broadcaster Agreement. All payments due on the 1st of each month, unless otherwise noted and approved. Rates are as follows: Select the plan you desire.
12 month airtime -$499.00
Pay in full (save $1000.00)- $4988.00
Semi-Annual (save $400.00) - $2594
Special Offer
I Consent to Receive SMS Notifications, Alerts & Occasional Marketing Communication from company. Message frequency varies. Message & data rates may apply. Text HELP to (XXX) XXX-XXXX for assistance. You can reply STOP to unsubscribe at any time.
Ad Campaigns- Would you like us to provide you with pay per call or pay per sale ads for you to run on your show for possible monetization? To receive the commercial ads, there is a one time processing fee of $40.00 to prepare your ads.
I authorize PTWWN Broadcasting to process my payments with my debit or credit card by phone or form. All payments are non-refundable, but we can provide the equivalent in other services of PTWWN TV.
Do you agree to the terms of this agreement? This agreement outweighs all Upon signing of this agreement you will be directed to another webpage to process your payment.
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