Total Confidence Survey

I am looking for driven women, who may be comparing themselves to their colleagues and feeling that everyone else is more professional, to build the confidence to boldly go after their goals so they feel fulfilled and accomplished.

Maybe you want success in your life, career or business but struggle to see yourself as brilliant and devalue your talents, often comparing yourself to the much better and nicer life others have. 

Perhaps you feel embarrassed when someone compliments a quality they see in you and your instinctive response is to brush it off or highlight something good about them, to take the attention off you. 

It could be that in a group you keep yourself to yourself, hoping nobody notices you or asks you to contribute because you fear speaking up in public or believe other peopleĀ“s opinions weigh more than yours, but this means you often go unnoticed and are overlooked for opportunities, which is frustrating for you. 

If this sounds like you, please complete this survey to help me create programs designed to release what is obstructing your success.

Who am I? Hello, my name is Lorena and I spent most of my life feeling overlooked, less than and not enough. It is my mission to help you trust your abilities, be proud of your achievements and pursue your goals with conviction, so you can feel accomplished in your professional and personal life.

Here your opinion counts and it is valued.

Please share this LINK to reach all women who can benefit.

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