Qualification and Course

This form is to enroll into -

ACM20221 Certificate II Horse Care

Personal Details

Unique Student Identifier (USI)

From 1 January 2015, Pet Stylist Academy can be prevented from issuing you with a nationally recognised VET qualification or statement of attainment when you complete your course if you do not have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). In addition, we are required to include your USI in the data we submit to NCVER.

To create a USI number or to retrieve an existing USI number, go to the following Government website: https://www.usi.gov.au/students

Citizenship, Cultural Diversity and Language

Disabilities and Assistance

Education Details

Employment Status

Identification Documents (ID)

We require Identification Documents to support your enrollment. All documentation must be submitted to the Pet Stylist Academy prior to a student commencing their qualification or course. All ID is kept securely in your student file.

ID email copies to - [email protected]

Privacy Notice

Under the Data Provision Requirements 2012, Pet Stylist Academy is required to collect personal information about you and to disclose that personal information to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER).

Your personal information (including the personal information contained on this enrolment form), may be used or disclosed by Pet Stylist Academy for statistical, administrative, regulatory and research purposes. Pet Stylist Academy may disclose your personal information for these purposes to:

• Commonwealth and State or Territory government departments and authorised agencies; and


Personal information that has been disclosed to NCVER may be used or disclosed by NCVER for the following purposes:

• populating authenticated VET transcripts.

• facilitating statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage.

• pre-populating RTO student enrolment forms.

• understanding how the VET market operates, for policy, workforce planning and consumer information; and

• administering VET, including program administration, regulation, monitoring and evaluation.

You may receive a student survey which may be administered by a government department or NCVER employee, agent or third party contractor or other authorised agencies. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted. NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the National VET Data Policy and all NCVER policies and protocols (including those published on NCVER’s website at www.ncver.edu.au).

For more information about NCVER's Privacy Policy go to https://www.ncver.edu.au/privacy.

Student Declaration

1. I am applying to enroll in a course with Pet Stylist Academy. I agree that I have read and understood and agree to be bound by the conditions as described in the Student Handbook.

2. I understand that failure to comply with obligations as laid out in the Student Handbook could lead to suspension or cancellation of my enrollment.

3. I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to pay all fees as agreed and that my Certificate or Statement of Attainment will not be processed until all fees are paid in full.

4. I have read and understood the Pet Stylist Academy Refund and NCVER privacy policies as stated in the Student Handbook.

5. I am not currently enrolled in a post school qualification.

6. I agree that the information I have provided is, to the best of my knowledge, true and correct.