First Name
Last Name
Company Website
What's your company's CORE service or specialty?*
What types of clients do you work with? Do you have a specific type of business or industry you specialize in?
In what stage of growth is your business?
Less than 3000 Euro / Month
Between 3k to 5k Euro / Month
Between 5k to 8k Euro / Month
Between 8k to 12k Euro / Month
Between 12k to 20k Euro / Month
More than 20k Euro / Month
Where would you like to be in 12 months from now as a result of working with me (Juan)?
What are the 1-3 biggest challenges that are preventing you from hitting that 12 month goal?
How do you see that I can potentially help you?
We invite a small group of participants to work with us every month. If I extended you an invitation and you decided to move forward, how soon can you get started?
I can start immediately
I can start in the next 30 days
I can't commit to working ON my business right now
If presented with an opportunity to work together in helping you transition out of delivery, do you have the financial resources to invest in growing your business?
Yes, I have the financial resources to invest in myself and growing my business
Yes, I can acquire the financial resources to grow myself and my business (company budget, credit, loans, assets, etc.)
No, I do not have the financial resources and I'm not willing to acquire them
Do you promise to show up for your scheduled session ON TIME and DISTRACTION FREE? Please confirm by typing, "Yes, I will" in the box below.