Quitclaim Deed

Specialized Quitclaim Deed Drafting Service

At English Law, we understand the importance of clear, concise, and legally sound property transactions. Our Quitclaim Deed service is designed to transfer ownership of property quickly and efficiently, without the warranties that come with a standard warranty deed.

Quick Guide to Quitclaim Deeds

What It Is: A quitclaim deed transfers property ownership without guaranteeing the ownership status, which is ideal for trusted relationships.

Common Use: It is often used among family members or close relations for transactions that do not involve a monetary exchange.

How It Works: The owner (grantor) passes the property interest to a recipient (grantee) with no promise of a clear title.

Risk: If there are title defects, the grantor isn't liable for any loss to the grantee.

Situations for Use:

  • Transferring family property

  • Changing title due to marriage or divorce

  • Addressing trust or inheritance matters

  • Clearing title defects

Other Deed Types: For ownership guarantees, consider using a warranty deed instead.

Creating the Deed:

  1. Identify the grantor and grantee(s).

  2. State the consideration (often nominal, like $10, for formality).

  3. Provide a detailed property description.

Mortgage Impact: A quitclaim deed does not affect mortgage obligations.

Post completion:

  • The deed must be notarized

  • It should be filed with local authorities to become a public record.

Permanency: Once filed, the deed is permanent unless legally challenged.

e.g., Harris
Example: Lot 14, Block 1, of Summer Lakes Section Eight, according to the map or plat thereof recorded in Plat No. 20180114 of the Plat Records of Fort Bend County, Texas.
e.g. 2022-001234
Volume e.g. 123 Page Number e.g.412-123 Original Grantor e.g. Will Allen Smith
Add in additional details section if more Grantees are needed.
If transferred for a nominal amount write $10

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