Magalies Rocks the Cradle 2024

Magalies Rocks the Cradle 2025 - Venue Event Details Submission

Thank you for participating in Magalies Rocks the Cradle 2024! Please provide the details of the events you will be hosting during the festival weekend. This information will be used for marketing on social media and displayed on our website. Ensure that all details are accurate and complete to maximise your event's visibility.

Example of the Facebook Event:

Enter the name of the primary contact person for this event.
Provide an email address for the primary contact person.
Provide a phone number for the primary contact person.
Enter the name of your event.
Select the date(s) of your event. If it spans multiple days, please select all applicable dates.
Enter the start and end time of your event. If your event spans multiple days or is an all-day event, please specify accordingly.
Provide the address where the event will be held.
Select the category that best fits your event.
Provide a detailed description of your event. This will be used in promotional materials.
Enter relevant tags for your event, separated by commas. Tags help improve the visibility of your event in searches (e.g., music, family-friendly, food, outdoor). The more tags, the better.
Provide any links to websites or social media pages for more information about the event.
Provide details about ticket pricing, where to purchase tickets, and any other relevant information. If it's free/no-cost, write accordingly.
Describe the target audience for your event. (e.g., Families, Adults, Children, Food Enthusiasts, Adventure Seekers)
Upload the MAIN images or promotional material for your event. (Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf)
Please upload a logo we can add/use for marketing your event
Upload any additional images or promotional materials for your event that we can use for marketing purposes. (Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf)
Provide any additional information or special instructions related to your event.
Provide any links to websites or social media pages for more information about the event.

I confirm that the information provided is accurate and I give permission for it to be used on the Magalies Rocks the Cradle 2024 website and promotional materials.