Welcome to the 2025 Alpha Summer Shred!
To get started, we need a few pieces of info from you.
Please provide us your full mailing address (for registration packet).
Let's talk about goals!
In the next 2 min, you will be choosing your goals for the shred based on our 5 Alpha Traits.
Participants are encouraged to participate in the 2025 Alpha Summer Shred safely. As with any weight loss and/or physical activity program, there are risks, including but not limited to increased heart stress and the chance of musculoskeletal injuries. In volunteering to participate in this weight loss and/or physical activity opportunity, you agree that, to your knowledge, you have no limiting physical conditions, eating disorder or disability that would prohibit a weight loss and/or physical activity program. I agree, on behalf of myself, my assigns, executors, and heirs, to release and hold harmless the organizer(s), support organizations, support personnel or support services from any and all liability, damage, or claim of any nature whatsoever arising out of my participation from this program. I understand the organizer(s), support organizations, support personnel or support services will not provide any accident or medical insurance. I have read and understand the terms of this document and agree to all terms and conditions. I am of lawful age and legally competent to sign this waiver and release, and I have signed this document as my own free act.
I give the Alpha Male Clinic staff permission to contact me via SMS text to discuss my participation and progress in the 2025 Alpha Summer Shred Program.
A physician’s examination is recommended for all participants with any weight loss and/or physical activity restrictions, heart problems, high blood pressure, chest pain, dizziness, relevant surgeries, diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, arthritis, history of eating disorder or significant injury to any part of the body. If for any reason you are unable or unwilling to engage in these weight loss and/or physical activities, you can withdraw at any time. As an example, you should stop participating immediately if you develop chest pain, or pain in the shoulder, neck, arm or back, or if you experience dizziness or injury or have any concern for any other reason that participating may result in injury. By signing below, you accept full responsibility for your own health and well-being and you acknowledge an understanding that no responsibility is assumed by the organizer(s), support organizations, support personnel or support services. In consideration of my participation in this program.
Photographs taken of me can be used in any print or broadcast media including, but not necessarily limited to newspapers, pamphlets, educational films, internet, and television, in order to inform the public about Alpha Male Clinic/Wellness methods. Further, I release and discharge Alpha Male Clinic/Wellness, any employees of Alpha Male Clinic/Wellness, and all parties acting under their license and authority, from any and all claims or actions that I have or may have relating to such use and publication, and all rights, if any, that I may have in such photographs and details regarding services rendered me, including any claim for payment, in connection with any consent is subject only to the condition that I am not identified by name at any time during any use or publication of these materials by any party. I hereby acknowledge that I have been advised that photographs may be taken of me by the Alpha Male Clinic Staff and give my consent for Alpha Male Clinic to use the photographs to document by participation and progress in the 2025 Alpha Summer Shred challenge.
I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.