First Name
Last Name
Which Work Exchange role are you applying for?
Community Chef
Movement Arts and Ecstatic Dance Facilitators
Breathwork Facilitator
Meditation Facilitator
Tantra & Intimacy Facilitators
Fitness Instructor
Yoga / Pilates Facilitators
Martial Arts (Tai Chi, Qi Gong etc.) Facilitators
Musicians / DJs / Sound Technicians
Artist / Painter / Sculptor
Explain why you would be a valuable part of the core community.
Share more about your practice and how long you have been in this field. (Career highlights? Unforgettable moments? Qualifications?)
Please give examples of where you have shared your work? (i.e. Festivals, Workshops, Countries)
In relation to your practice, what offerings would you provide at &Soul? Give us a blurb. (For example: Men's Circle, Yin Yoga, Open Mic, Ecstatic Dance, Art Class)
What is your current daily/weekly schedule? What would be your ideal times for your offering on a weekly basis?
What would you offer in a 30-minute taster session to the &Soul team?
If you weren't able to join our Work Exchange programme, would you still be looking to stay with us as a member?
Yes, I would still be interested in saying with & Soul as a member
I'm afraid it wouldn't work for me if I wasn't able to join the programme
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Submit any relevant work samples & links.
Share your social media & website links.
Is there anything else you would like to share with us?
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