Application Type
Business Tax Receipt Number
Business Name
Fictitious/DBA/Trade Name
Owner/Applicant Name
Email Address
Federal Employer ID OR SSN
Business Address
Mailing Address (If different than Business Address)
When was the start of business date at this location?
Business Phone Number
Type of Business
Number of Employees
Number of Machines (If Applicable)
Number of Rooms (If Applicable)
Number Restaurant Seating (If Applicable)
Upload zoning approval (BTR application with zoning signature or municipal BTR)
Upload a copy of any State licenses (If business/profession is regulated by the State)
If a fictitious name is used, upload a copy of the registration from the State.
By submitting this online application for Local Business Tax Receipt you attest that all information provided is accurate to the best of your knowledge and meets all requirements as set forth in Florida Statute Section 205 and Palm Beach County Ordinance 17-17
Applicant Name:
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