Applicant Details

Membership Details

Please choose which membership type you are applying for
Which state is your business primarily based in?
Select ALL states and territories that you actively purchase properties in. Note each additional state requires an additional membership fee of $250 per year, if you are active and licenced in that state and/or promote your services for that state
Upload a current organisation chart showing ALL team members that are involved in your business, including employees, contractors and casual staff. Please ensure you note job titles/roles and highlight ALL team members that work in an advisory role and/or require a real estate licence
Upload a copy of ALL your real estate licences, including individual, corporation and ALL staff members who work in an advisory role and/or require a real estate licence
Please list which team members you would like to add as additional REBAA Staff Members (excluding you the Principal). Note each paid staff membership is $250 per year, but they also gain all the same membership benefits as you.
Upload your current certificate of cover for a suitable professional indemnity insurance policy to a minimum of $2m cover
Does your business provide any other services aside from Buyers Agency? E.g. Property Management, Vendor Advocacy, Property Planning, or Renovation Advice etc. If you do offer Vendor Advocacy, what is your protocol in the event a Buyers Advocacy client is interested in a property for sale which you are acting as the Vendor Advocate?

Application Details

What date did you establish your buyer's agency. Choose the latter of business registration date, individual licence approval date or corporation licence approval date
As an organisation run by its volunteer members, all are expected to contribute to the growth, promotion and development of REBAA and buyer’s agency as a profession and industry. What can you offer the organisation and how can you contribute to the growth of REBAA?
For your application to be considered, please specify your agency’s processes for searching, assessing and securing property for clients. You must discuss your specific work processes in detail. Generalised statements are insufficient and your application will be declined if you do not fully explain your agency’s procedures (a process flow chart or similar is also an option to attach). We’re not asking for anything that is not already in the public domain but we do want to get an understanding of the process you take your clients through to ensure that you’re meeting the minimum standards when advising and conducting due diligence. This information will only be viewed by the committee members.
Update a CV/Resume which outlines your recent employment/business history

Please provide up to 5 case study examples of properties you have secured for a client and what the brief was
How many properties have you purchased as a buyer's agent up to now?
How do you generate new business?
What steps do you take in formalising a client engagement and what is your onboarding process?
What steps do you take in managing a difficult client or search brief?
How do you source and assess opportunities for clients?
How do you appraise a property?
What steps do you take in negotiating a property purchase and/or prepare for an auction?

Eligibility Requirements

To be considered for REBAA membership you must meet the following key eligibility requirements (by ticking the box below and submitting your application on behalf of your agency you are confirming that your agency meets the minimum requirements):

  • The business operates exclusively as a Buyers Agency.

  • Have been generally operating as a Buyers Agency for a minimum of 12 months full time or equivalent.

  • Be a licensed real estate agency in all of the relevant states/territories in which you buy property in.

  • Ensure the principal and all staff acting in a Buyers Agent capacity meet the meet the minimum licensing requirements in all of the relevant states/territories your agency buys including being a registered agent or assistant agent with OFT or relevant Property Board in your state/territory.

  • Have professional indemnity insurance to a minimum cover of $2m.

  • Not have properties listed for sale or be involved in direct selling as a Sales Agent, including all agency team members.

  • You will also need to be willing to uphold the REBAA Code of Conduct and to get actively involved in attending REBAA events and sharing in the activities we develop to enhance the profile and professionalism of our industry.

Code of Conduct