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Do you give Betsy permission to share your question/story/images on her broadcast channels?
What is your interest in interior design?
I love interior design as a hobby. I listen to podcasts, read DIY books, and more.
I'm an interior designer. I take paying clients on my own or via a firm.
I dream of being an interior designer. One day I would love to make a living from taking clients and having my own lifestyle business in the field.
I dream of being an interior designer. One day I would love to work for an interior design firm.
I'm not too interested in interior design. I just have some issues with my space that I could use help with.
Share your design question/story for Betsy to share on the show. Please keep it to 1 short question so that everyone can get a turn to get their questions answered. (If you have more than 1 question, please submit another form.)
If you have, please share up to 5 images to help Betsy understand the situation.
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