HOOS Hip Survey

INSTRUCTIONS: This survey asks for your view about your hip. This information will help us keep track of how you feel about your hip and how well you are able to do your usual activities. Answer every question by entering the number that best fits your situation, using the scales above each section. If you are uncertain about how to answer a question, please give the best answer you can.

These questions should be answered thinking of your hip symptoms and difficulties during the last week.


0 - never, 1 - rarely, 2 - sometimes, 3 - often, 4 - always


0 - never, 1 - monthly, 2 - weekly, 3 - daily, 4 - always

Function, sports and recreational activities

0 - none, 1 - mild, 2 - moderate, 3 - severe, 4 - extreme

The following questions concern your physical function when being active on a higher level. The questions should be answered thinking of what degree of difficulty you have experienced during the last week due to your hip.

Quality of Life

0 - never, 1 - monthly, 2 - weekly, 3 - daily, 4 - always