First Name
I agree to
terms & conditions
provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.
What Role Will You Be Hiring?
Software Developer (Including AI)
Product Designer (UI/UX)
Product Manager
How Many People Are Employed By Your Company?
Less than 10
More than 200
For What Type Of Project Are You Hiring?
New idea or project
Existing project/product that needs additional resources
Not sure yet, just a general inquiry
What Stage Are You At With Your Project/Product?
Ideation - I have a rough idea of what I want to build
Prototyping - I have a clear idea but I don't yet have specifications
Building - I have clear requirements and a design or prototype
Existing - My team / department has clear documentation and sprints
For how long will you need your hire(s)?
Less than 30 days
30-90 days
3 to 6 months
Longer than 6 months / ongoing
Not sure yet / I'll decide later
What type of engagement / commitment will you need?
Full time (40 hours/week)
Part time (less than 40 hours/week)
Not sure yet / I'll decide later
How soon are you looking for your hire(s) to start?
1-2 weeks
More than 2 weeks from now
Not sure yet / I'll decide later
Do you have a rough hourly rate in mind?
Less than $50/hour
More than $100/hour
Not sure yet
Can you tell us in a few brief words what you're looking for?