First Name
Last Name
Address, City, State, Zipcode
Birthday (MM/DD/YEAR)
Emergency Contact Person (First/Last Name)
I'm interested in:
24/7 Gym Acces
Camp Pro Fit (Boot Camp)
1-1 or 4-1 Personal Training
Nutrition/Online Coaching
A Challenge
Gym Rules & Regulations READ and CHECKMARK ALL BOXES
Member is aware of 24 hour video recording and surveillance.
Member agrees to always scan in at the front door upon entry even if the door is open.
Member agrees to sanitize equipment after use using supplied gym wipes.
Member agrees to put away equipment and re-rack weights after use.
Member agrees to not throw or drop DB's or slam weight plate stacks on pin select machines. Equipment is not indestructable and can break.
Member is aware of KID ZONE rules: basic safety rules; no sick kids, no hitting, biting or throwing things. Kids must stay in KID ZONE for safety; clean up after your children before leaving to keep room orderly; No food allowd in the KID ZONE; water only; each visit sign child in on the wall form.
Member agrees to refrain from foul or derogatory language especially if children are present.
Member is NOT allowed to bring others into the gym for security and insurance reasons. We have specific guests policies. If you are caught sneeking someone into the gym your membership will be revoked.
Member is not allow tripod set ups or video recording other gym members without their knowledge or consent. This is not an influencer type gym. Only PRO FIT staff and coaches can video for promotional and educational purposes.
Member will let staff know if something needs maintenance or is broken.
Cancellation & Guest Policies Terms & Conditions READ and CHECKMARK ALL BOXES
To cancel memberships, you must do so yourself in the Pro Fit app. The app automatically figures the required 30 days notice. We do NOT accept cancellations via email, text, social media messages, voicemail, etc... It must be done in the app.
If cancelling your account within 30 days of the draft date you will have one more draft before your request takes place.
If payment draft declines and is not collected within 10 days of the draft date at late fee of $15 will be accessed to your account.
If account is 2 months behind, it will be cancelled. Outstanding invoice will be sent to our lawyer to begin the collections process.
Guest Policy: ALL guests must be checked in and create an account to sign our liability waiver. If a guest is from out of town there is a $10 day pass fee. If they live locally they can do a trial for free by filling out the trial form. NO ONE IS ALLOWED INTO THE GYM TO EXERCISE WITHOUT A SIGNED WAIVER, TOUR AND BREIFING ON SANITIZATION PROCEDURES.
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