Trademark Registration


Welcome to the Trademark Application Form. This form is designed to guide you through the process of applying for a trademark, ensuring that you provide all the necessary information required for a successful application. Please have all relevant information at hand before you begin, including your business details, a clear idea of the mark you wish to register, and a detailed description of the goods or services associated with the mark. Our aim is to make this process as smooth and efficient as possible for you.

Estimated Completion Time:

The estimated time to complete this form is generally under 7 days. Please take your time to provide accurate and detailed information to facilitate a smooth application process.

Contact Information for Queries:

If you have any questions or need assistance while completing this form, please feel free to contact Garrison English at [email protected] or call 210-380-8841. We are here to assist you throughout this process.

Section 1: Applicant's Detailed Information


Provide comprehensive details about yourself or your legal entity as the applicant for the trademark. This information is crucial for identifying the applicant in the trademark registration process.

Example Entry : John Doe / Doe Enterprises LLC
Example Entry: Doe's Innovative Solutions
Example Entry: 12324 Market Street, San Francisco, CA, 94103, USA
Example Entry: 415-555-0123
Example Entry: [email protected]
Example Selection: USA
Options: Individual, Corporation, Partnership, LLC, Other(Please Specify)

Section 2: Legal Representative Information


Explanation: This section is optional and for applicants who are represented by an attorney. If you do not have an attorney and would like to appoint one, you may consider the information provided below. Please note, appointing an attorney is not mandatory for the trademark application process.

Attorney's Name

Explanation: Enter the full name of the attorney who will represent you in this trademark application. If you would like to appoint William Garrison English as your legal representative, his details are provided below.

Explanation: If the attorney is associated with a law firm, provide the firm's name here. This field is optional.
Explanation: The attorney's bar membership information is necessary for verification and official correspondence.

If using Innovia Law PLLC type the below into the boxes

Attorney Name: William Garrison English

Firm Name: Innovia Law PLLC

Address: 21011 Sky Ridge Ct, San Antonio, TX 78258

Phone: 210-380-8841

Email: [email protected]

Bar Membership and Jurisdiction: TX Bar #24134411

Additional Information

Note: The appointment of William Garrison English as your legal representative for this trademark application will incur an additional fee of $500.

Section 3: Comprehensive Mark Information


Provide detailed information about the mark you intend to register. This includes the type of mark, any text or design elements, color claims, and a description of the mark.

Pick the Type of Mark you are registering

Trademark Definition: A trademark is a sign, symbol, word, or phrase legally registered or established by use as representing a company or product. It identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party from those of others.

Typical Use: Trademarks are used on products (goods) manufactured or sold by a particular company. This includes brand names, slogans, logos, and even distinctive packaging or unique product shapes.

Purpose: The primary purpose of a trademark is to prevent confusion in the marketplace by making it easy for consumers to identify and select products from a particular source they trust.

Service Mark Definition: A service mark is similar to a trademark but is used to identify and distinguish the services of one provider from those of others, rather than goods.

Typical Use: They are often used for advertising services, like the names of hotel chains, educational services, financial services, or restaurant services.

Purpose: Service marks help consumers identify the source of a service rather than a physical product. They indicate the quality and consistency of the service provided.

Collective Mark Definition: A collective mark is used by members of a collective group or organization to indicate membership in the group or to identify and distinguish products or services of members from those of non-members.

Typical Use: These marks are often used by associations, cooperatives, unions, and other organized collectives. Examples include union labels or a logo used by the members of a cooperative.

Purpose: The main goal is to signify membership in a group with a certain level of quality, accuracy, or other characteristics set by the organization.

Certification Mark Definition: A certification mark is used to show consumers that particular goods and/or services, or their providers, have met certain standards. Unlike the other types of marks, a certification mark is not used by its owner but by authorized users.

Typical Use: These marks are commonly seen in products or services that meet certain environmental, quality, accuracy, or material standards. Examples include the "UL" (Underwriters Laboratories) mark on electrical products or organic food certifications.

Purpose: Certification marks assure consumers that the products or services bearing the mark comply with certain standards of quality, manufacture, geography, or other criteria set by the certifying organization.

Each of these marks plays a crucial role in commerce by helping consumers make informed decisions and by promoting fair competition among businesses. They are legal tools that protect the reputation and brand identity of companies and organizations, ensuring that the public can trust the quality and origins of products and services they use.

Instruction: If you have a foreign application, enter the country where the original application was filed.
Instruction: Enter the application umber of your foreign trademark application.
Instruction: Enter the filing date of your foreign trademark application.

Explanation: If you have filed a trademark application in another country and wish to claim priority based on that application, provide the required details. This is applicable if the foreign application was filed within six months before the U.S. application.

Section 5: Goods and Services Classification


Explanation: This section is crucial for defining the scope of your trademark protection. You must accurately classify the goods or services with which your mark is or will be used. Classification helps in determining the filing fees and can affect the breadth of protection granted by your trademark. Use the USPTO's Acceptable Identification of Goods and Services Manual at to assist you in finding the appropriate class for your goods or services. If your trademark will be used with multiple different types of goods or services, you may need to list multiple classes.

Goods/Services Description


Please describe the specific goods or services associated with your mark. Be as precise as possible. If your mark will be used in connection with different types of goods or services, list and describe each in detail. Use additional sheets if necessary.

International Class Number


Based on your goods or services description, our attorneys will select the International Class Number(s) that best categorize your goods or services. Refer to the USPTO’s manual for guidance

Section 6: Specimen Submission (For Actual Use Applications)


Provide a specimen that shows your mark as used in commerce. This is a critical part of your application and serves as evidence of how your mark is actually used in the marketplace. The specimen must show the mark as it is used on the goods or in the sale or advertising of the services.

Accepted Specimen Types: For Goods: Labels, tags, packaging, or containers displaying the mark. For Services: Advertising and marketing materials, brochures, or screenshots of websites where the mark is used in the context of the services offered. File Format: Acceptable file formats include JPEG or PNG. The file size should not exceed 5MB.

Specimen Upload

Please email a file showing the mark as used in commerce with your Full Name and Trademark Name to [email protected].

Additional Instructions (if necessary): If you have multiple specimens, please email them with your Full Name and Trademark Name to [email protected].

Ensure that the specimen is clear and legible. If the file size exceeds the limit, consider providing a link to an online resource where the specimen can be viewed.

Explanation: This declaration is a formal statement where the applicant affirms the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided in the application. It also highlights the legal responsibility of the applicant regarding the information given.

Review Instructions

  • Before submitting your trademark application, please take a moment to review all the information you have provided. Ensure that all details are accurate and complete, as any errors or omissions may affect the processing of your application. Double-check the mark's representation, goods and services classification, and personal details for accuracy. If you have any doubts or require clarification on any part of your application, do not hesitate to contact us using the details provided in the Introduction Section.

  • By clicking the 'Submit' button below, you are affirming that all information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of your knowledge. You are also acknowledging that you understand the legal implications of trademark registration and agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the trademark office. Click the button only once and wait for the confirmation page to appear.


I agree to terms & conditions provided by the company. By providing my phone number, I agree to receive text messages from the business.

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