Visiting Fencers from other clubs are able to join us on our Friday night sessions free of charge. Fencers visiting from International, Interstate or from other WA Fencing Clubs need to send an email via our contact form to inform our Head Coach and Club President of their plan to attend by the Monday night before the session. Prior to their first visit they should fill out a visiting fencers form (below) . Visiting fencers may be asked to not attend sessions if the gym is at capacity. Visiting fencers are also asked to comply with Excalibur Community Fencing Clubs Covid-19 Protocols when attending club sessions. If visiting fencers want to attend more sessions, they are required to pay a club membership fee.
Please select
ECU Cavaliers School of Fencing
Curtin Swordfish Fencing Club
UWA Fencing Club
Ellenbrook Fencing Club
Fencing Fitness
Jamrozy Sports Academy
International / Interstate
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Images of members or visiting fencers of Excalibur Community Fencing Club at social functions, fencing competitions or training sessions may be used for promotional purposes on the ECFC Website and various social media platforms.
Visiting fencers must be affiliated with FencingWA in order to train at other clubs. You must do your affiliation prior to attending any club training sessions.
I hereby declare that I have read in information above and all details provided are correct and true