Full Name
Company / Organization Name
Company Social Media Page Names
Industry (Line Of Business )
What is the primary goal of your digital marketing project?
Increase website traffic
Generate leads
Boost sales
Monthly Packages you are interested in (Including Sponsored ADS on all channels Google Ads, Linkedin Ads, FB/IG Ads, Email Marketing)
Pinch Basic - USD 1500 Monthly - USD 850 Retainer , USD 650 For Sponsored ads
Pinch Plus - USD 2000 Monthly - USD 1100 Retainer , USD 900 For Sponsored ads
Pinch Pro - Above USD 2500
When are you looking to start this project?
Do you currently have a website? If yes, please provide the URL.
Are you satisfied with your current marketing results? If not, what specific challenges are you facing?
Have you worked with a digital marketing agency before? If so, what was your experience like?
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