Day Charter Contract Filler
Select your Name:
Sebastian Escobar
Brett Horowitz
Shane Bussey
Mia Suarez
Yali Goldenberg
Richard Spence
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Yacht Selection
Epic 2017 Fjord 44
Forever Young 2019 Ferretti 78
Tranquility 4 2001 Lazzara 94
Pacha Vanquish Q58
Hummingbird 2021 Galeon 50
Satisfaction 2017 Azimut 84
2021 Ocean Alexander 84
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Client First Name
Client Last Name
Client Email
Client Phone Number
Is there another broker involved?
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Broker's Name
Broker''s Email
Retail Rate
Fuel Fee
Whole Sale (Amount you sold it for before owner)
Owner Net Amount
Select your Captain:
Cameron Driller
Sage McBride
Shane Bussey
Sebastian Escobar
Alejandro Buitrago
Mathew Kutcher
Yali Goldenberg
Jordan Stollar
Parker Long
Patrick Hile
Meshach Carson
Alex Perez
Wesley Abraham
Johnneh Lopez
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Select your Stewardess:
Meghan Alfaro
Lola Gilder
Sydney Schoolcraft
Oriana Schneps
Jenny Doyle
Claudia Amador
Rocio Sobrecasas
Vanessa Renick
Brooke Goldsmith
Hailley Lamb
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Select your Mate:
Brett Horowitz
Sebastian Escobar
Cameron Driller
John Knode
Vanessa Renick
Gabriel Sotolongo
Christopher Barrnet
Daniel Espinosa
Alex Alvarez
Justin Lopez
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