Welcome to Our New Year's
Security Quiz
When did you last change the passwords to your website?
0-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
Over a year
I don't know
Are your passwords unique and difficult to guess?
Is your website running up-to-date software?
Yes, I have automatic updates setup
Yes, I check it myself
I don't know
How often do you check your website security?
Constantly with automated software
At least weekly
I don't know
Is your website encrypted(Does it start with https)?
Do you backup your website regularly?
Constantly with automated software
Yes, I do it at least once a week
I don't know
Who is your trusted payment provider?
Stripe, PayPal, Venmo
Through my store website
I do it myself
Please fill out your full name
Please give us your email so we can send you your results
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