Sleep Personality Quiz
First Name
How would you rate your sleep?
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(1= poor - 10 = great)
What do you believe is affecting your sleep?
Racing mind
Don't know
Sleep apnea
Please Specify if you chose "Other"
How long does it take you to fall asleep?
More than 1 hour
20 minutes to 1 hour
Up to 20 minutes
I'm out when my head hits the pillow
(on average)
How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
7 hours or above
6 to 7 hours
5 to 6 hours
4 to 5 hours
3 to 4 hours
2 to 3 hours
1 to 2 hours
0 to 1 hour
I get none without medication
I get virtually none
(on average)
How many times do you wake up during the night?
Two to five times
Once or twice
So many times I lose count
None, I sleep straight through
(on average)
How would you describe the quality of your sleep?
It constantly varies
I'm a light sleeper and wake up easily
I'm somewhere in between a light and deep sleeper
I can only sleep with medication
I sleep deeply but still wake up tired
I sleep deeply and wake up refreshed
Very bad - I hardly sleep at all
How important is it to you to get better sleep?
Which personality type describes you the best?
The Loyalist: You are very loyal and dedicated. You can be very committed and dependable. You are a natural skeptic. You seek safety, security, and stability. You may have a racing mind, and often think through various future scenarios.
The Creative Individualist: You can be highly creative and sensitive. You have a great imagination and may be very intuitive. You can also be highly critical of yourself. You may find everyday life boring and tedious. Your feelings can get hurt easily.
The Helper: A lot of what you do is based around doing things for others. You are great at connecting with others. You are very good at empathizing and forming deep connections. Sometimes you forget your own needs. Your feelings may get hurt quite easily.
The Reformer: You like to get things right, and some people may describe you as a perfectionist or a reformer. You have high standards. You consider yourself to be logical, fair, ethical, conscientious and hard working. You can be a worrier at times.
The Observer: You often have a lot of in-depth knowledge, and can be good at focusing on detail. You are likely to be an expert at something, and others may look to you for your knowledge in certain areas. You like plenty of alone time.
The Achiever: You’re driven by a desire to succeed. You value achieving, performing, and winning approval. You may be a competitive person who accomplishes many goals. You pride yourself on your eectiveness. You can fit into social situations easily.
The Peacemaker: You like to have peace and harmony around you. Others perceive you as easygoing. You want everything to stay pleasant, and in doing so you avoid conflict. You go along with others decisions most of the time.
The Enthusiast: You are very enthusiastic and enjoy new and exciting things. You can be adventurous, optimistic, and have a wide variety of interests. You are always busy doing things. You enjoy socialising and can be the life of the party.
The Challenger: You have a pattern of questioning the status quo and may be great at noticing how to improve things. You may work in powerful position or take on leadership roles. You are strong-willed and assertive. You speak and act with authority.
Please take your time in answering this question as accurately as possible. It will have a big impact on your results.