Are You Ready for a New Puppy? - Take the Quiz!
First Name
Last Name
Have you ever had a puppy?
👉 Why it matters: Raising a puppy is different from adopting an older dog. Puppies require constant attention, training, and patience.
Have you done research about getting a puppy?
No, I haven’t started researching yet 1
Some, but I still have questions
Lots! I feel well-prepared
👉 Why it matters: Researching training, health care, and grooming ensures a smooth transition into dog ownership.
Do you have time for a puppy?
No, my schedule is very busy
Some, I can make time when needed
Lots, I have time every day for my puppy
👉 Why it matters: Puppies require daily care, training, and playtime. A busy schedule could make puppy ownership challenging.
Are you ready for the expense of a new puppy?
No, I haven’t thought about the costs
Somewhat, I’m aware of some costs but need more info
Absolutely, I’ve budgeted for all expenses
👉 Why it matters: Puppies come with financial responsibilities, including food, vet visits, grooming, and training.
Are you familiar with the grooming needs of a Doodle?
Not at all, I had no idea they needed grooming
Somewhat, but I don’t know the full details
Yes, I know they require regular grooming
👉 Why it matters: Pomapoos and Maltipoos require regular grooming to keep their coats healthy and prevent matting.
Are you ready for a 15-year commitment to getting a puppy?
Not sure, that’s a long time!
Somewhat, but I need to think it through
Yes, I understand and am fully committed
👉 Why it matters: Dogs live 10-15 years or more. This is a long-term commitment that requires planning for their care.
How often do you travel, and what will you do with your puppy when you're away?
I travel a lot and don’t have a plan yet
I travel sometimes and would arrange care
I rarely travel or have a clear plan for my puppy
👉 Why it matters: Frequent travel can make puppy ownership difficult unless you have a plan for their care.
What size do you want your puppy to be full-grown?
I prefer a small dog (Pomapoo/Maltipoo)
I prefer a medium-sized dog
I prefer a large dog
Is your family on board with getting a new dog?
No, they are unsure
Somewhat, but I need to convince them
Yes, they are excited!
👉 Why it matters: A new puppy affects everyone in the household. If they aren’t on board, challenges may arise.
How will you handle potty training and obedience training?
I haven’t thought about it
I plan to do some training
I am ready with a training plan or professional help
👉 Why it matters: Puppies don’t come trained! Consistent potty and obedience training are crucial.
What’s your living situation?
Apartment with no yard
House with a small yard
House with a large yard
👉 Why it matters: Different breeds thrive in different environments. Small Doodles adapt well to apartments but need daily exercise.
Do you have any other pets?
Yes, but I’m unsure how they will react
Yes, and they are good with other dogs
👉 Why it matters: If you already have pets, introducing a puppy requires proper introductions and training.
Does anyone in your family have any allergies to dogs?
Unsure, but we want to be careful
Yes, someone in my family has allergies
No, no one has allergies
👉 Why it matters: Doodles are often hypoallergenic, but allergy sensitivity varies. This question helps determine if a Doodle is a good match.
Who is the puppy for?
A gift for someone else
A companion for another pet
My child/children
👉 Why it matters: Puppies require care and supervision. If it’s for a child, elderly family member, or as a gift, ensure someone responsible will be the primary caretaker.