Peak Performance Salesperson Self-Assessment Presented by State of Mind Academy - Business Growth Division Introduction.


This assessment is your first step toward mastering sales, persuasion, and peak performance.

It’s designed to uncover areas where you excel and highlight opportunities for growth.

Each section explores habits, skills, and tools that empower salespeople to thrive.

Upon completion, your score will guide you to personalized resources and solutions to level up your performance.


• Rate yourself from 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree) for each statement.

• Be honest. This is about growth, not judgment.

• Add up your score at the end of the questionnaire and refer to the scoring table for your performance insights and personalized improvement plan.

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SECTION 1: Foundation for Peak Performance

Morning Routine and Self-Care

SECTION 2: Sales and Communication Techniques

Building Rapport

Asking Questions to Qualify Needs

Linking Emotions to Solutions

Persuasion and Influence

Closing Techniques

SECTION 3: Advanced Strategies

Cooling Down After the Sale

Self-Reflection and Feedback

Continuous Learning and Growth