What is your business superpower?
Service Based
Product Based
Combination of services + products
How long have you been making waves in your business?
Just getting started (<1 year)
Gaining momentum (1-3 years)
Seasoned pro (4-7 years)
Industry legend (8+ years)
What social media platforms are you using? (select all that apply)
All of the above!
How often do you actually post on social media for your biz?
Every single day—I’m in it to win it.
A few times a week—trying to keep up.
Maybe once a week… when I remember.
Rarely. I know, I know… don’t judge.
What’s your #1 struggle with social media?
Finding time to post consistently
Getting people to engage & not just scroll past
Implementing a strategy that works
Honestly...ALL the above!
Do you have a strategy for turning social media into sales?
Heck yes! And it’s working - but I’m always open to leveling up!
Sort of… but I’m winging it.
Not even close—I need help.
Do you feel like your branding is fully representative + in alignment with your biz?
Yes, absolutely!
Eh — so, so.
Is your website converting even while you're sleeping?
Heck yes!
I think so?
Wait...that exists?
Do you offer any kind of lead magnet/freebie?
Yes and it converts well!
I have one but it doesn't seem to resonate with my audience.
Shit - I think I need one of these.
What’s your biggest marketing goal right now?
Get my brand seen & recognized
Turn my followers into leads & clients
Build a loyal, engaged community
Girl I want to do it ALL!
How often are you communicating and engaging with your email audience?
Several times a week
A few times a month
Randomly when I feel like it.
If you could fix ONE thing in your marketing overnight, what would it be?
Posting like a PRO as my most authentic self
Scaling up + elevating through higher conversions
Create a trustworthy & aesthetically appealing brand
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